قانون اساسی پادشاهی مراکش – Morocco Constitution

تاریخ انتشار: ۱۳۷۵/۰۶/۲۳

The Kingdom of Morocco٫ a Muslim Sovereign State whose official language is
Arabic٫ constitutes a part of the Great Arab Maghreb. As an African State٫ one
of its constituted ob‎jectttives is the realization of African unity.
Aware of the necessity of setting its action within the context of the
international organizations of which it is an active and energetic member٫ the
Kingdom of Morocco subscribes to the principles٫ rights٫ and obligations
resulting from the c‎harrrters of the aforesaid organizations and reaffirms its
attachment to the Human Rights as they are universally recognized.
The Kingdom of Morocco also reaffirms its determination to work for the
maintenance of peace and security in the world.

Title I Basic Principles

Article ۱ [Monarchy]
Morocco is a constitutional٫ democratic٫ and social Monarchy.

Article ۲ [Sovereignty]
Sovereignty belongs to the Nation which exercises it directly by means of
referendum and indirectly through its constitutional institutions.

Article ۳ [Organizations٫ Party Pluralism]

(۱) Political parties٫ trade u‎nionnns٫ local councils٫ and professional
chambers participate in the organization of the State and in the representation
of the citizens.
(۲) There can be no single party.

Article ۴ [Binding Law]
Law is the supreme expression of the Nation''s will. All must submit to it.
Law can have no retroactive effect.

Article ۵ [Equality]
All Moroccans are equal before law.

Article ۶ [State Religion]
Islam is the religion of the State which guarantees to all freedom of worship.

Article ۷ [Emblem٫ Motto]
The Kingdom''s emblem is a red nag stamped with a five-pointed green star in
the middle. The Kingdom''s motto is: "God٫ The Homeland٫ The King".

Article ۸ [Electoral Equality٫ Women''s Suffrage]

(۱) Men and Women enjoy equal political rights.
(۲) All citizens of age of both sexes are electors٫ provided they enjoy their
civil and political rights.

Article ۹ [Citizen''s Rights]

(۱) The Constitution guarantees to all citizens:
۱) Freedom of movement and freedom to settle in any part of the Kingdom;‎‎‎ ۲)
Freedom of opinion٫ freedom of expression under all its forms٫ and freedom to
assemble;‎‎‎ ۳) Freedom to organize and freedom to join any trade u‎nionnn or
political organization of their own choice.
(۲) No restrictions can be imposed on such freedoms other than by law.

Article ۱۰ [Personal Lilberty٫ Home]

(۱) No one can be arrested٫ detained٫ or punished except in the cases and forms
provided by lsw.
(۲) The home is inviolable. There can be no searches or inspections except
under the conditions and the forms provided by law.

Article ۱۱ [Secrecy of Correspondence]
Correspondence is secret.

Article ۱۲ [Public Office]
All citizens have access٫ under equal conditions٫ to public functions and
public employment.

Article ۱۳ [Education٫ Work]
All citizens have equal rights to education and to work.

Article ۱۴ [Strike]

(۱) The right to strike is guaranteed.
(۲) An organic law determines the conditions and forms of exercising this

Article ۱۵ [Property٫ Expropriation]

(۱) The right to own property is guaranteed.
(۲) Its extent and use may be restricted by law if the needs of economic and
social planning and development require it.
(۳) No expropriation can take place except in the cases and forms provided by

Article ۱۶ [Duty to Defense]
All citizens contribute to the common defense of the homeland.

Article ۱۷ [Duty to Pay Taxes]
All contribute٫ in proportion to their economic capacities٫ to the public
expenditures which only the law can institute and distribute in the forms
provided for in the present Constitution.

Article ۱۸ [Duty to Bear Cost of National Calamities]
All citizens collectively bear the costs resulting from national calamities.

Title II The Kingship

Article ۱۹ [The King]

(۱) The King٫ Commander of the Faithful٫ Supreme Representative of the nation٫
Symbol of its unity and guarantor of the permanence and continuity of the
State٫ ensures the observance of Islam and the Constitution. He is the
protector of the rights and liberties of the citizen٫ social groups٫ and
(۲) He guarantees the independence of the Nation and the territorial integrity
of the Kingdom within its authentic borders.

Article ۲۰ [Hereditary Monarchy]
The Crown of Morocco and its constitutional rights are hereditary and
transmitted from father to son to the male lineal descendants of His Majesty
The King Hassan II٫ unless the King٫ during his lifetime٫ designates among his
sons a successor other than his eldest son. If there are no male lineal
descendants٫ the Throne passes to the closest collateral male descendants under
the same conditions.

Article ۲۱ [Regency Council]

(۱) The King is under age until he has turned sixteen. During the minority of
the King٫ all powers and constitutional rights of the Throne are exercised by a
Regency Council٫ save those concerning the revision of the Constitution. The
Regency Council functions as an advisory body to the King until he has turned
(۲) The Regency Council is headed by the First President of the Supreme Court.
It is composed٫ furthermore٫ of the President of the Chamber of
Representatives٫ President of the Regional Council of the Ulemas of Rabat and
Sale٫ and ten personalities appointed by the King personally.
(۳) The rules of the functioning of the Council are provided for by an organic

Article ۲۲ [Civil List]
The King has a civil list.

Article ۲۳ [Inviolability of the King]
The King''s person is inviolable and sacred.

Article ۲۴ [Appointment of Government]

(۱) The King appoints the Prime Minister.
(۲) On proposal of the Prime Minister٫ he appoints the other members of the
(۳) He terminates their tenure either on His own initiative or by the fact of
the resignation of the Government.

Article ۲۵ [Council of Ministers]
The King presides over the Council of Ministers.

Article ۲۶ [Promulgation of Laws]
The King promulgates the law within ۳۰ days following the transmission of the
approved law to Government.

Article ۲۷ [Dissolution of Parliament]
The King can dissolve the Chamber of Representatives by decree under the
conditions specified in Articles ۷۰ and ۷۲ of Title V.

Article ۲۸ [King''s Addresses]
The King can address the Chamber of Representatives and the Nation. The content
of the addresses cannot be the ob‎jecttt of any debate.

Article ۲۹ [Decrees٫ Countersignature]

(۱) The King exercises by decree the powers expressly reserved to him by the
(۲) The decrees are countersigned by the Prime Minister٫ save those specified
in Articles ۲۱ (۲)٫ ۲۴٫ ۳۵٫ ۶۸٫ ۷۰٫ ۷۷٫ ۸۲٫ ۸۹ and ۹۹.

Article ۳۰ [Commander-in-Chief]

(۱) The King is the Supreme Commander of the Royal Armed Forces.
(۲) He appoints civil and military personnel and can delegate this right.

Article ۳۱ [Diplomacy٫ Treaties]

(۱) The King accredits ambassadors to foreign powers and international
organizations. Ambassadors or representatives of international organizations
are accredited to Him.
(۲) He signs and ratifies treaties. However٫ treaties relating to the State
finances cannot be ratified without prior approval of the Chamber of
(۳) Treaties inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution
are approved in accordance with the procedures necessary for the revision of
the Constitution.

Article ۳۲ [Presidency Over Councils]
The King presides over the Higher Magistracy Council٫ the Higher Education
Council٫ and the Higher Council for National Promotion.

Article ۳۳ [Appointment of Judges]
The King appoints judges under the conditions provided in Article ۸۲.

Article ۳۴ [Right of Pardon]
The King exercises the right of pardon.

Article ۳۵ [State of Emergency]

(۱) When the integrity of the national territory is threatened٫ or when events
occur which may impair the functioning of the Constitutional Institutions٫ the
King can٫ after h‎avinggg consulted the Speaker of the Chamber of
Representatives and the Chairman of the Constitutional Council and h‎avinggg
addressed a message to the Nation٫ declare٫ by decree٫ the state of emergency.
(۲) He is٫ by this fact٫ entitled to take any contrary provisions٫ not
withstanding the measures necessary for the defense of the territorial
integrity٫ the reinstatement of the functioning of the constitutional
institutions and the normal conduct of state affairs.
(۳) The state of emergency does not entail the dissolution of the Chamber of
(۴) The state of emergency is terminated in the same forms as its proclamation.

Title III Chamber of Representatives

Article ۳۶ [Responsibility]
The members of the Chamber of Representatives owe their mandate to the Nation.
Their voting right is personal and cannot be delegated.

Artide ۳۷ [Relative Indemnity٫ Immunity]
(۱) No member of the Chamber of Representatives can be prosecuted or pursued٫
arrested٫ detained٫ or tried for opinions or votes expressed in the
disc‎harrrge of his duties٫ except when he expresses opinions questioning the
monarchical system٫ the Muslim religion٫ or lacking the respect due to the
(۲) During the sessions٫ no member of the Chamber of Representatives can be
prosecuted or arrested for crimes or misdemeanors other than those mentioned in
the preceding paragraph٫ without the permission of the Chamber of
Representatives٫ except in case of flagrante delicto.
(۳) No member of the Chamber of Representatives can be placed under arrest٫
during the recess٫ without the authorization of the Office of the Chamber٫
except in case of flagrante delicto.
(۴) Detention or prosecution of a member of the Chamber of Representatives is
suspended upon request from the same٫ except in case of flagrante delicto and
in authorized prosecutions or definitive condemnation.

Article ۳۸ [Sessions]

(۱) The Chamber of Representatives holds two sessions a year. The King presides
over the opening of the first session which commences on the second Friday in
October. The second session shall commence on the second Friday in April.
(۲) When the Chamber of Representatives has been sitting٫
during each session٫ for at least two months٫ adjournment can be pronounced by

Article ۳۹ [Extraordinary Sessions]

(۱) The Chamber of Representatives may be convened in a special session٫ either
upon request from the absolute majority of its members or by decree.
(۲) The extraordinary sessions are held on the basis of a well defined agenda.
When the same has been exhausted٫ the session is closed by decree.

Article ۴۰ [Ministers in Parliament٫ Commissions of Inquiry]

(۱) Ministers have access to the Chamber of Representatives and to its
Committees;‎‎‎ they can be assisted by commissioners designated by them.
(۲) Besides the standing Committees referred to in the previous paragraph٫
Commissions of Inquiry can be established٫ within the Chamber of
Representatives٫ on the King''s initiative or at the request of the majority
of the Chamber of Representatives٫ to collect elements of information about
determined facts and submit their findings to the Chamber of Representatives.
No Commission of Inquiry can be c‎reateeed when the facts have given rise to a
judicial prosecution and as long as prosecutions are under way. When a
Commission has already been set up٫ its task ends as soon as a judicial
investigation is opened concerning the facts which caused its creation.
(۳) Commissions of Inquiry have a temporary nature. Their task end with the
submission of their report.
(۴) An organic law determines the modalities of the functioning of these

Article ۴۱ [Publicity]
The sessions of the Chamber of Representatives are public. The minutes of the
debates are published in the official gazette. The Chamber may hold closed
committee sessions at the request of the Prime Minister or one third of its

Article ۴۲ [Rules of Proceedings]
The Chamber of Representatives establishes and votes on the rules of its
proceedings. These٫ however٫ are not in force until they are declared by the
Constitutional Council consistent with the provisions of the present

Article ۴۳ [Elections٫ Term]

(۱) Members of the Chamber of Representatives are elected for a six-year term.
They bear the name of Representatives. The Chamber of Representatives is
composed proportionately٫ of two-thirds of members elected through direct
universal suffrage and of one-third of members elected by an electoral college
composed of local councilors as well as members elected by electoral colleges
composed of elected members of the professional chambers and representatives of
the wage-earners.
(۲) The number of representatives and that of representatives to be elected by
each one of the electoral colleges٫ the mode of election٫ the requisite
conditions for being eligible٫ and the incompatibility regulations are
specified by an organic law.
(۳) The President and the presiding officers of the Chamber of Representatives
are elected at the beginning of the October session. The President is elected
for a three-year term٫ the other members of the bureau are elected for a
one-tear term. The bureau is elected by proportional representation of the

Article ۴۴ [Laws]
The law is voted on by the Chamber of Representatives. The same may authorize
the Government٫ for a limited period and determined ob‎jectttive٫ to take
measures that are normally in the legislative domain. Decrees come into force
as soon as they are published;‎‎‎ however٫ they have to be referred to the
Chamber of Representatives for ratification on the expiry date determined by
habilitation law. The habilitation law becomes inoperative if the Chamber of
Representatives is dissolved.

Article ۴۵
In addition to those matters expressly devolving on it by virtue of other
provisions in the Constitution٫ the following fall within the legislative
Individual or collective rights enumerated in Title One of the present
The determination of misdemeanors and their punishment٫ penal procedure٫ civil
procedure٫ and the establishment of new categories of jurisdiction;‎‎‎
The Statute of the Judiciary;‎‎‎
The General Statute of the Civil Service;‎‎‎
The fundamental guarantees granted to civil and military personnel;‎‎‎
The electoral system of the assemblies and the local councils;‎‎‎
The system of civil and commercial liabilities;‎‎‎
The creation of public establishments;‎‎‎
The nationalization of enterprises and the transfer of enterprises from the
public sector to the private sector;‎‎‎
The Chamber of Representatives is entitled to approve outline laws relating to
the essential ob‎jectttives of the economic٫ social٫ and culture action of the

Article ۴۶ [Other Matters]
All other matters which do not fall within the province of the legislative
domain belong to the regulatory domain.

Article ۴۷ [Decree]
Texts drawn up in a legislative form concerning matters falling within the
domain of the regulatory power٫ may be modified by decree upon approval by the
Constitutional Council.

Article ۴۸ [State of Siege]
The state of siege can be proclaimed٫ by decree٫ for a period of thirty days.
The thirty day time limit can only be extended by law.

Article ۴۹ [Budget]

(۱) The Chamber of Representatives approves the Budget bill in accordance with
the provisions of an organic law.
(۲) Investment expenditures resulting from the plan implementation are passed
only once٫ when the Chamber of Representatives approves the plan. They are
automatically renewed for the duration of the plan.
(۳) The Government alone is empowered to introduce bills aiming at modifying
the already adopted program.
(۴) If٫ by the ۳۱st of December٫ the Budget has not been approved٫ the
Government opens by decree the credits necessary for the work of public
services and for the fulfillment of their mission٫ on the basis of the
proposals introduced for approval.
(۵) In this case٫ revenues continue to be raised in conformity with the
legislative provisions and the e‎xecccutive regulations in force٫ with the
exception٫ however٫ of the revenues whose suppression is proposed in the Budget
Bill. As to those for which the aforesaid Bill proposes a reduction٫ they are
levied according to the new proposed rate.

Article ۵۰
Proposals and amendments introduced by members of the
Chamber of Representatives are not admissible if٫ when approved٫ they would٫ as
far as the Budget is concerned٫ entail either a diminution of public revenues
or increase of public expense.

Article ۵۱ [Initiative]

(۱) The legislative initiative belongs concurrently to the Prime Minister and
the members of the Chamber of Representatives.
(۲) Legislative proposals are submitted to the Bureau of the Chamber of

Article ۵۲ [Government Protest]

(۱) The Government can express ob‎jectttion to any proposal or amendment which
is not within the legislative domain.
(۲) In case of disagreement٫ the Constitutional Council decides within eight
days upon request by the Chamber or the Government.

Article ۵۳ [Committee Referral]
Proposals for legislative action introduced are referred for consideration to
the Committees which carry on their activities between sessions.

Article ۵۴ [Decree-Laws]
In the recess٫ the Government may issue decree-laws in accord with the
concerned Committees٫ to be referred for approval to the Chamber of
Representatives during its following regular session.

Article ۵۵ [Order of Business]

(۱) The order of business of the Chamber of Representatives is established by
its Bureau. It comprises٫ with priority and in the order established by the
Government٫ floor consideration of the legislative proposals introduced by the
Government and those accepted by it.
(۲) One meeting a week is reserved٫ with priority٫ to the questions of the
members of the Chamber of Representatives and answers of the Government.
(۳) The Government''s answer are made within twenty days following the date
on which the question was submitted to the Government.

Article ۵۶ [Amending Bills]

(۱) The Members of the Chamber of Representatives and the Government have the
right to introduce amendments. After the opening of the debate٫ the Government
can ob‎jecttt to the consideration of any amendment which has not been
previously submitted to the relevant Committee.
(۲) If the Government so demands٫ the Chamber of Representatives decides٫ by a
single vote٫ on the whole or part of the bill under discussion٫ keeping solely
the amendments proposed or accepted by it.

Article ۵۷ [Organic Laws]

(۱) Organic laws are approved and modified under the following conditions: the
legislative proposals introduced either by the Government or the Chamber are
not submitted to the Chamber of Representatives for consideration and vote
until a time-limit of ten days has expired from the date of their introduction.
(۲) Organic laws cannot be promulgated until they have been referred for
approval to the Constitutional Council.

Title IV The Government

Article ۵۸ [Composition]
The Government is composed of the Prime Minister and the ministers.

Article ۵۹ [Responsibility]

(۱) The Government is responsible to the King and to the Chamber of
(۲) After the nomination of the members of the Government by the King٫ the
Prime Minister appears before the Chamber of Representatives٫ and presents the
program he intends to implement. This program must sketch the guidelines of
action which the Government intends to take in various sectors of national
activity٫ and particularly in the areas of economic٫ social٫ cultural٫ and
foreign policy.
(۳) This program is the ob‎jecttt of a debate followed with a vote under the
conditions and with the effects provided in Article ۷۴ (۲) and (۳).

Article ۶۰ [e‎xecccution٫ Supervision]
Under the responsibility of the Prime Minister٫ the Government assures the
e‎xecccution of the laws and supervises the administration.

Article ۶۱ [Initiative]
The Prime Minister initiates the laws. No bill can be presented by him to the
Bureau of the Chamber of Representatives unless it has been considered in the
Council of Ministers.

Article ۶۲ [e‎xecccutive Power]

(۱) The e‎xecccutive power is exercised by the Prime Minister.
(۲) The regulatory acts of the Prime Minister are countersigned by the
ministers in c‎harrrge of their e‎xecccution.

Article ۶۳ [Ministerial Powers]
The Prime Minister can delegate some of his powers to the ministers.

Article ۶۴ [Coordination]
The Prime Minister assumes responsibility for the coordination of the
ministerial activities.

Article ۶۵ [Council of Ministers Issues]
The following matters are referred to the Council of Ministers prior to any
questions concerning the general policy of the State;‎‎‎
the declaration of a state of siege;‎‎‎
the declaration of war;‎‎‎
the assumption of responsibility of the Government before the Chamber of
legislative proposals before their introduction in the Bureau of the Chamber of
regulatory decrees;‎‎‎ the decrees referred to in Articles ۳۸٫ ۳۹٫ ۴۴ and ۵۴;
‎‎‎ the plan draft;‎‎‎
drafts for revision of the Constitution.

Title V Relations Between the Powers

Article ۶۶ [Demand for a New Reading]
The King can demand of the Chamber of Representatives to proceed with a new
reading of any bill or legislative proposal.

Article ۶۷ [Message]
The demand for a new reading is introduced in the form of a message. This new
reading cannot be refused.

Article ۶۸ [Proposal by Decree]
The King can٫ after a new reading٫ submit by decree٫ any project or the
legislative proposals٫ except in the case when the text of the project or the
legislative proposals submitted to a new reading has been adopted or rejected
by a two-thirds majority of the members which constitute the Chamber of

Article ۶۹ [Referendum]
The results of the referendum apply to all.

Article ۷۰ [Dissolution]
The King can٫ after h‎avinggg consulted with the President of the
Constitutional Council and addressed a message to the Nation٫ dissolve٫ by
decree٫ the Chamber of Representatives.

Article ۷۱ [Re-Election]

(۱) The election of a new Chamber of Representatives takes place three months٫
at the latest٫ after the dissolution.
(۲) The King exercises٫ in the meantime and in order to fill the vacancy٫ in
addition to the powers vested in him by the present Constitution٫ those of the
Chamber of Representatives.

Article ۷۲ [Repeated Dissolution]
When the Chamber of Representatives has been dissolved٫ the succeeding one
cannot be dissolved until a year after its election.

Article ۷۳ [Notification of War]
The declaration of war is made after the Chamber of Representatives has been

Article ۷۴ [Vote of Confidence]

(۱) The Prime Minister may assume the responsibility of the Government before
the Chamber of Representatives٫ upon a declaration of general policy or the
vote on a text.
(۲) Confidence cannot be denied or a test rejected except on the basis of an
absolute majority vote of the Chamber of Representatives.
(۳) Voting can only take place after three clear days after the question of
confidence has been made.
(۴) Refusal of a confidence vote entails the collective resignation of the

Article ۷۵ [Motion of Censure]

(۱) The Chamber of Representatives may question the responsibility of the
Government by the veto on a motion of censure. Such a motion is not admissible
if it is signed by less than a quarter of the members composing the Chamber of
(۲) The motion of censure is not approved by the Chamber of Representatives
unless it has been approved by the absolute majority of the members composing
it. The voting can only take place three clear days after the introduction of
the motion.
(۳) The passing of a motion of censure entails the collective resignation of
the Government.
(۴) When the Government has been censured by the Chamber of Representatives٫ no
motion of censure is admissible within a year.

Title VI The Constitutional Council

Article ۷۶ [Establishment]
A Constitutional Council is established.

Article ۷۷ [Composition]

(۱) It comprises:
Four members nominated by the King for a period of six years;‎‎‎
Four members nominated for the same period by the President of the Chamber of
Representatives after consultation with the groups.
(۲) Besides the above-mentioned members٫ the King appoints for the same period
the President of the Constitutional Council.
(۳) Each category of the members of the Constitutional Council is renewable by
half every three years.

Article ۷۸ [Organizational Law]

(۱) An organic law determines the rules of the organization and the functioning
of the Constitutional Council٫ the procedure to be taken before it and٫ in
particular٫ the time allowed for any arguments to be submitted.
(۲) It also determines the functions incompatible with those of the members of
this council٫ the conditions for the first triennial renewal٫ as well as the
forms of replacement of the impeached٫ resigning٫ or deceased members.

Article ۷۹ [Constitutional Review]

(۱) The Constitutional Council exercises the powers vested in it by virtue of
the articles of the Constitution or the provisions of organic laws. It also
provides rulings on the regularity of the election of the members of the
Chamber of Representatives and the referendum operations.
(۲) Furthermore٫ organic laws٫ before their promulgation٫ and the Rules of the
Chamber of Representatives٫ prior to their implementation٫ must be referred to
the Constitutional Council٫ which rules on their conformity with the
(۳) For the same purposes٫ bills can be referred to the Constitutional Council
by the King٫ the Prime Minister٫ the President of the Chamber of
Representatives٫ or a quarter of the members who make up the latter.
(۴) In the cases stated at the previous paragraphs٫ the Constitutional Council
must give a ruling within one month. However٫ at the request of the Government٫
in case of urgency٫ this time-limit is reduced to eight days.
(۵) In these cases٫ the reference to the Constitutional Council suspends the
time-limit for the promulgation.
(۶) An unconstitutional provision cannot be promulgated or applied.
(۷) The decisions of the Constitutional Council are non-appealable. They are
enforced on public powers٫ and all administrative and jurisdictional

Title VII The Judiciary

Article ۸۰ [Independent Power]
The judicial authority is independent of the legislative power and of the
e‎xecccutive power.

Article ۸۱ [Sentences]
Sentences are passed in the name of the King.

Article ۸۲ [Nomination]
The magistrates are nominated by decree on the proposal of the Superior Council
of the Magistracy.

Article ۸۳ [Irremovability]
The magistrates are irremovable.

Article ۸۴ [Superior Council of the Magistracy]
The Superior Council of the Magistracy is presided over by the King.
Furthermore٫ it is composed of:
The Minister of Justice٫ as vice-president;‎‎‎
The first president of the Supreme Court;‎‎‎
The King''s Prosecutor General at the Supreme Court;‎‎‎
Four representatives of the first degree jurisdictions magistrates elected from
among themselves.

Article ۸۵ [Functions]
The Superior Council of the Magistracy watches over the application of the
guarantees granted to the magistrates concerning their advancement and

Title VIII The Supreme Court

Article ۸۶ [Liability of Government]
The members of the government are liable to prosecution for crimes or
misdemeanors committed in the disc‎harrrge of their function.

Article ۸۷ [Impeachement]
They can be impeached by the Chamber of Representatives and referred to the
Supreme Court.

Article ۸۸ [Majority]
The Chamber of Representatives acts by secret ballot with a two-thirds majority
of the members composing it٫ with the exception of those members called upon to
take part in the prosecution٫ preliminary examination٫ and judgment.

Article ۸۹ [Composition]
The Supreme Court is composed of members elected from within the Chamber. Its
President is nominated by decree.

Article ۹۰ [Membership]
An organic law specifies the number of the Supreme Court members٫ the
modalities of their election٫ as well as the applicable procedure.

Title IX Economic and Sovial Council

Article ۹۱ [Establishment]
An Economic and Social Council is established.

Article ۹۲ [Functions]
The Economic and Social Council can be consulted by the Government and by the
Chamber of Representatives on all questions of economic or social c‎harrracter.
It provides its opinion on the general trends of the national economy and

Article ۹۳ [Organization]
The composition٫ organization٫ powers٫ and methods of functioning of the
Economic and Social Council are determined by an organic law.

Title X Local Units

Article ۹۴ [Local Units]
The local units of the Kingdom are the regions٫ prefectures٫ provinces٫ and
communes. Any other local unit is established by law.

Article ۹۵ [Local Assemblies]
They elect assemblies entrusted with managing democratically their affairs
under the conditions determined by law.

Article ۹۶ [Local Governors]
Within the prefectures and the provinces٫ the governors
coordinate the action of the administrations and watch over the application of
the law. They also carry out the decisions of the prefectoral and provincial

Title XI Revision of the Constitution

Article ۹۷ [Initiative٫ Referendum]

(۱) The initiative concerning the revision of the Constitution belongs to the
King and the Chamber of Representatives.
(۲) The King can submit directly to a referendum the project of revision which
he has initiated.

Article ۹۸ [Majority]
The revision proposal introduced by one or several members of the Chamber of
Representatives cannot be adopted unless it has been passed by a majority of
two-thirds of the members composing the Chamber.

Article ۹۹ [Referendum]

(۱) The projects and proposals of revision are put to referendum by decree.
(۲) The revision of the Constitution are definitive when adopted by referendum.

Article ۱۰۰ [Restrictions of Constitutional Amendment]
The monarchic form of the State as well as the provisions relating to the
Islamic religion cannot be the ob‎jecttt of a constitutional revision.

Title XII Special Provisions

Article ۱۰۱ [Provisional Legislation]
Until the installation of the Chamber of Representatives٫ provided in the
present Constitution٫ the legislative measures necessary for putting into
effect the constitutional institutions for the functioning of the public powers
and for the conduct of the State affairs٫ are taken by His Majesty the King.

Article ۱۰۲ [Provisional Powers of Supreme Court]
Until the establishment of the Constitutional Council٫ the powers vested in it
by the Constitution are exercised by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme