قانون اساسی روسیه – Russia Constitution

تاریخ انتشار: ۱۳۷۲/۰۹/۲۱

Adopted by referendum on: ۱۲ Dec ۱۹۹۳

Constitution of the Russian Federation

We٫ the multinational people of the Russian Federation٫ united by a common
destiny on our land٫
asserting human rights and liberties٫ civil peace and accord٫
preserving the historic unity of the state٫
proceeding from the commonly recognized principles of equality and
self-determination of the peoples٫
honoring the memory of our ancestors٫ who have passed on to us love of and
respect for our homeland and faith in good and justice٫
reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting its immutable
democratic foundations٫
striving to secure the well-being and prosperity of Russia and proceeding from
a sense of responsibility for our homeland before the present and future
generations٫ and
being aware of ourselves as part of the world community٫
hereby approve the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

[Part I] First Part

Chapter ۱ Fundamentals of the Constitutional System

Article ۱ [Russian Federation]
The Russian Federation -‎–‎-‎- Russia is a democratic federal rule-of-law
state with the republican form of government. The names "Russian Federation"
and "Russia" are equivalent.

Article ۲ [Protection of Human Rights]
Humans٫ their rights and freedoms are the supreme value. It is a duty of the
state to recognize٫ respect and protect the rights and liberties of humans and

Article ۳ [The Multinational People]

(۱) The multinational people of the Russian Federation is the vehicle of
sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.
(۲) The people of the Russian Federation exercise their power directly٫ and
also through organs of state power and local self-government.
(۳) The referendum and free elections are the supreme direct manifestation of
the power of the people.
(۴) No one may arrogate to oneself power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of
power or appropriation of power authorization are prosecuted under federal law.

Article ۴ [Sovereignty]

(۱) The sovereignty of the Russian Federation applies to its entire territory.
(۲) The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws have supremacy
throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.
(۳) The Russian Federation ensures the integrity and inviolability of its

Article ۵ [Federal Structure]

(۱) The Russian Federation consists of republics٫ territories٫
regions٫ federal cities٫ an autonomous region and autonomous areas٫ which are
equal subjects of the Russian Federation.
(۲) The republic (state) has its own constitution and legislation. A territory٫
region٫ federal city٫ autonomous region and autonomous area has its own
c‎harrrrter and legislation
(۳) The federated structure of the Russian Federation are based on its state
integrity٫ the uniform system of state power٫ delimitation of scopes of
authority and powers between the bodies of state power of the Russian
Federation and the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian
Federation٫ equality and self-determination of the peoples in the Russian
(۴) All the subjects of the Russian Federation are equal among themselves in
relations with the Federal bodies of state power.

Article ۶ [Citizenship]

(۱) Citizenship of the Russian Federation are acquired and terminated in
accordance with the Federal law٫ and are one and equal irrespective of the
grounds on which it has been acquired.
(۲) Every citizen of the Russian Federation has all the rights and liberties on
its territory and bear equal duties٫ stipulated by the Constitution.
(۳) A citizen of the Russian Federation may not be stripped of citizenship or
of the right to change it.

Article ۷ [State Principles]

(۱) The Russian Federation is a social state٫ whose policies are aimed at
creating conditions which ensure a dignified life and free development of man.
(۲) The Russian Federation protects the work and health of its people٫
establish a guaranteed minimum wage٫ provide state support for family٫
motherhood٫ fatherhood and childhood٫ and also for the disabled and for elderly
citizens٫ develop a system of social services and establish government
pensions٫ benefits and other social security guarantees.

Article ۸ [Economic Guarantees]

(۱) Unity of economic space٫ free movement of goods٫ services and financial
resources٫ support for competition and freedom of any economic activity is
guaranteed in the Russian Federation.
(۲) Private٫ state٫ municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized and
enjoy equal protection in the Russian Federation.

Article ۹ [Natural Resources]

(۱) The land and other natural resources are used and protected in the Russian
Federation as the basis of the life and activity of the peoples living on their
respective territories.
(۲) The land and other natural resources may be in private٫ state municipal and
other forms of ownership.

Article ۱۰ [Separations of Powers]
State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of the
separation of the legislative٫ e‎xeccccutive and judiciary branches. The bodies
of legislative٫ e‎xeccccutive and judiciary powers are independent.

Article ۱۱ [State Powers]

(۱) State power in the Russian Federation is exercised by the President of the
Russian Federation٫ the Federal Assembly (Council of the Federation and House
of Representatives [State Duma])٫ the government of the Russian Federation and
courts of the Russian Federation.
(۲) State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation is exercised by the
organs of state authority formed by them.
(۳) The scopes of authority and powers of the bodies of state authority of the
Russian Federation and the bodies of state authority of the subjects of the
Russian Federation are delimited under this Constitution٫ Federal and other
Treaties on the delimitation of scopes of authority and powers.

Article ۱۲ [Local Self-Government]
Local self-government is recognized and guaranteed in the Russian Federation.
Local self-government operates independently within the bounds of its
authority. The bodies of local self-government are not part of the state power

Article ۱۳ [Political Plurality]

(۱) Ideological plurality is recognized in the Russian Federation.
(۲) No ideology may be instituted as a state-sponsored or mandatory ideology.
(۳) Political plurality and the multi-party system are recognized in the
Russian Federation.
(۴) Public associations are equal before the law.
(۵) The establishment and the activities of public associations٫ whose aims and
actions are directed at forcible alteration of the fundamentals of
constitutional governance and violation of the integrity of the Russian
Federation and undermining of the security of the state٫ the forming of armed
units٫ the incitement of social٫ racial٫ national and religious strife are

Article ۱۴ [Secularity of the State]

(۱) The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion may be instituted as
state-sponsored or mandatory religion.
(۲) Religious associations are separated from the state٫ and are equal before
the law.

Article ۱۵ [Supreme Law]

(۱) The Constitution has supreme legal force and direct effect٫ and is
applicable throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and
other legal acts adopted by the Russian Federation may not contravene the
(۲) Organs of state power and local self-government٫ officials٫ citizens and
their associations must comply with the laws and the Constitution.
(۳) The laws are officially published. Unpublished laws are not applicable. No
regulatory legal act affecting the rights٫ liberties or duties of the human
being and citizen may apply unless it has been published officially for general
(۴) The commonly recognized principles and norms of the international law and
the international treaties of the Russian Federation are a component part of
its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation
stipulates other rules than those stipulated by the law٫ the rules of the
international treaty apply.

Article ۱۶ [Constitutional System]

(۱) The provisions of the present Chapter of the Constitution are the
foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and may not
be changed except as provided for in this Constitution.
(۲) No other provisions of this Constitution may contravene the foundations of
the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

Chapter ۲ Rights and Liberties of Man and Citizen

Article ۱۷ [Basic Rights and Liberties]

(۱) The basic rights and liberties in conformity with the commonly recognized
principles and norms of the international law are recognized and guaranteed in
the Russian Federation and under this Constitution.
(۲) The basic rights and liberties of the human being are inalienable and
belong to everyone from birth.
(۳) The exercise of rights and liberties of a human being and citizen may not
violate the rights and liberties of other persons.

Article ۱۸ [Direct Effect]
The rights and liberties of man and citizen have direct effect. They determine
the meaning٫ content and application of the laws٫ and the activities of the
legislative and e‎xeccccutive branches
and local self-government٫ and are secured by the judiciary.

Article ۱۹ [Equality]

(۱) All people are equal before the law and in the court of law.
(۲) The state guarantees the equality of rights and liberties regardless of
sex٫ race٫ nationality٫ language٫ origin٫ property or employment status٫
residence٫ attitude to religion٫ convictions٫ membership of public associations
or any other circumstance. Any restrictions of the rights of citizens on
social٫ racial٫ national٫ linguistic or religious grounds are forbidden.
(۳) Man and woman have equal rights and liberties and equal opportunities for
their pursuit.

Article ۲۰ [Life٫ Capital Punishment]

(۱) Everyone has the right to life.
(۲) Capital punishment may٫ until its abolition٫ be instituted by the federal
law as exceptional punishment for especially grave crimes against life٫ with
the accused h‎avingggg the right to have his case considered in a law court by

Article ۲۱ [Human Dignity]

(۱) The dignity of the person is protected by the state. No circumstance may be
used as a pretext for belittling it.
(۲) No one may be subjected to torture٫ violence or any other harsh or
humiliating treatment or punishment. No one may be subjected to medical٫
scientific or other experiments without his or her free consent.

Article ۲۲ [Personal Freedom]

(۱) Everyone has the right to freedom and personal inviolability.
(۲) Arrest٫ detention and keeping in custody are allowed only by an order of a
court of law. No person may be detained for more than ۴۸ hours without an order
of a court of law.

Article ۲۳ [Privacy]

(۱) Everyone has the right to privacy٫ to personal and family secrets٫ and to
protection of one''s honor and good name.
(۲) Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence٫ telephone
communications٫ mail٫ cables and other communications. Any restriction of this
right is allowed only under an order of a court of law.

Article ۲۴ [Data Protection]

(۱) It is forbidden to gather٫ store٫ use and disseminate information on the
private life of any person without his/her consent.
(۲) The bodies of state authority and the bodies of local self-government and
the officials thereof provide to each citizen access to any documents and
materials directly affecting his/her rights and liberties unless otherwise
stipulated under the law.

Article ۲۵ [Home]
The home is inviolable. No one has the right to enter the home against the will
of persons residing in it except in cases stipulated by the federal law or
under an order of a court of law.

Article ۲۶ [National Identity٫ Native Language]

(۱) Everyone has the right to determine and state his national identity. No one
can be forced to determine and state his national identity.
(۲) Everyone has the right to use his native language٫ freely choose the
language of communication٫ education٫ training and creative work.

Article ۲۷ [Residence]

(۱) Everyone who is lawfully staying on the territory of the
Russian Federation has the right to freedom of movement and to choose the place
to stay and reside.
(۲) Everyone is free to leave the boundaries of the Russian Federation. The
citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to freely return into the
Russian Federation.

Article ۲۸ [Belief٫ Religion]
Everyone is guaranteed the right to freedom of conscience٫ to freedom of
religious worship٫ including the right to profess٫ individually or jointly with
others٫ any religion٫ or to profess no religion٫ to freely choose٫ possess and
disseminate religious or other beliefs٫ and to act in conformity with them.

Article ۲۹ [Expression]

(۱) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and speech.
(۲) Propaganda or campaigning inciting social٫ racial٫ national or religious
hatred and strife is impermissible. The propaganda of social٫ racial٫ national٫
religious or language superiority is forbidden.
(۳) No one may be coerced into expressing one''s views and convictions or
into renouncing them.
(۴) Everyone has the right to seek٫ get٫ transfer٫ produce and disseminate
information by any lawful means. The list of information constituting the state
secret is established by the federal law. ۵. The freedom of the mass media is
guaranteed. Censorship is prohibited.

Article ۳۰ [Association]

(۱) Everyone has the right to association٫ including the right to c‎reateeee
trade u‎nionnnns in order to protect one''s interests. The freedom of public
associations activities is guaranteed.
(۲) No one may be coerced into joining any association or into membership

Article ۳۱ [Assembly٫ Demonstration]
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to gather peacefully٫ without
weapons٫ and to hold meetings٫ rallies٫ demonstrations٫ marches and pickets.

Article ۳۲ [Participation]

(۱) Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the
administration of the affairs of the state both directly and through their
(۲) Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and to be
elected to bodies of state governance and to organs of local self-government٫
as well as take part in a referendum.
(۳) Citizens who have been found by a court of law to be under special
disability٫ and also citizens placed in detention under a court verdict٫ do not
have the right to elect or to be elected.
(۴) Citizens of the Russian Federation have equal access to state service.
(۵) Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in
administering justice.

Article ۳۳ [Petitions]
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to turn personally to٫ and
send individual and collective petitions to state bodies and bodies of local

Article ۳۴ [Property Rights]

(۱) Everyone has the right to freely use his or her abilities and property for
entrepreneurial or any other economic activity not prohibited by the law.
(۲) No economic activity aimed at monopolization or unfair competition are

Article ۳۵ [Private Property]

(۱) The right of private property is protected by law.
(۲) Everyone has the right to have property in his or her ownership٫ to
possess٫ use and manage it either individually or
jointly with other persons.
(۳) No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property unless on the
basis of decision by a court of law. Property can be forcibly alienated for
state needs only on condition of a preliminary and equal compensation.
(۴) The right of inheritance is guaranteed.

Article ۳۶ [Land Ownership]

(۱) Citizens and their associations have the right to have land in their
private ownership.
(۲) The possession٫ use and management of the land and other natural resources
are freely exercised by their owners provided this does not cause damage to the
environment or infringe upon the rights and interests of other persons.
(۳) The terms and procedures for the use of land are determined on the basis of
federal laws.

Article ۳۷ [Work]

(۱) Work is free. Everyone has the right to make free use of his or her
abilities for work and to choose a type of activity and occupation.
(۲) Forced labor is prohibited.
(۳) Everyone has the right to work under conditions meeting the requirements of
safety and hygiene٫ to remuneration for work without any discrimination
whatsoever and not below the statutory minimum wage٫ and also the right to
security against unemployment.
(۴) The right to individual and collective labor disputes with the use of means
of resolution thereof established by federal law٫ including the right to
strike٫ is recognized.
(۵) Everyone has the right to rest and leisure. A person h‎avingggg a work
contract is guaranteed the statutory duration of the work time٫ days off and
holidays٫ and paid annual vacation.

Article ۳۸ [Children٫ Family]

(۱) Motherhood and childhood٫ and the family are under state protection.
(۲) Care for children and their upbringing are the equal right and duty of the
(۳) Employable children who have reached ۱۸ years of age must take care of
their non-employable parents.

Article ۳۹ [Social Security]

(۱) Everyone is guaranteed social security in old age٫ in case of disease٫
invalidity٫ loss of breadwinner٫to bring up children and in other cases
established by law.
(۲) State pensions and social benefits are established by laws.
(۳) Voluntary social insurance٫ development of additional forms of social
security and c‎harrrrity are encouraged.

Article ۴۰ [Housing]

(۱) Everyone has the right to a home. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of a
(۲) State bodies and organs of local self-government encourage home
construction and c‎reateeee conditions for the realization of the right to a
(۳) Low-income citizens and other citizens٫ defined by the law٫ who are in need
of housing are housed free of c‎harrrrge or for affordable pay from government٫
municipal and other housing funds in conformity with the norms stipulated by
the law.

Article ۴۱ [Health Care]

(۱) Everyone has the right to health care and medical assistance. Medical
assistance is made available by state and municipal health care institutions to
citizens free of c‎harrrrge٫ with the money from the relevant budget٫ insurance
payments another revenues.
(۲) The Russian Federation finances federal health care and health-building
programs٫ take measures to develop state٫ municipal and private health care
systems٫ encourage activities
contributing to the strengthening of the man''s health٫ to the development of
physical culture and sport٫ and to ecological٫ sanitary and epidemiologic
(۳) Concealment by officials of facts and circumstances posing hazards to human
life and health result in their liability in conformance with federal law.

Article ۴۲ [Environment]
Everyone has the right to a favorable environment٫ reliable information about
its condition and to compensation for the damage caused to his or her health or
property by ecological violations.

Article ۴۳ [Education]

(۱) Everyone has the right to education.
(۲) The accessibility and gratuity of pre-school٫ general secondary and
vocational secondary education in public and municipal educational institutions
and enterprises are guaranteed.
(۳) Everyone has the right to receive٫ free of c‎harrrrge and on a competitive
basis٫ higher education in a state or municipal educational institution or
(۴) Basic general education is mandatory. Parents or persons substituting for
them must provide for their children to receive basic general education.
(۵) The Russian Federation institutes federal state educational standards and
support various forms of education and self-education.

Article ۴۴ [Arts٫ Sciences٫ Culture]

(۱) Everyone is guaranteed freedom of literary٫ artistic٫ scientific٫
intellectual and other types of creative activity and tuition. Intellectual
property is protected by the law.
(۲) Everyone has the right to participation in cultural life٫ to the use of
institutions of culture٫ and access to cultural values.
(۳) Everyone has the responsibility to care for the preservation of the
historic and cultural heritage and safeguard landmarks of history and culture.

Article ۴۵ [State Protection]

(۱) State protection for human rights and liberties in the Russian Federation
is guaranteed.
(۲) Everyone has the right to defend his or her rights and liberties by any
means not prohibited by the law.

Article ۴۶ [Legal Protection]

(۱) Everyone is guaranteed protection of his or her rights and liberties in a
court of law.
(۲) The decisions and actions (or inaction) of state organs٫ organs of local
self-government٫ public associations and officials may be appealed against in a
court of law.
(۳) In conformity with the international treaties of the Russian Federation٫
everyone has the right to turn to interstate organs concerned with the
protection of human rights and liberties when all the means of legal protection
available within the state have been exhausted.

Article ۴۷ [Access to the Courts]

(۱) No one may be denied the right to h‎avingggg his or her case reviewed by
the court and the judge under whose jurisdiction the given case falls under the
(۲) Anyone c‎harrrrged with a crime has the right to have his or her case
reviewed by a court of law with the participation of jurors in cases stipulated
by the federal law.

Article ۴۸ [Counsel]

(۱) Everyone is guaranteed the right to qualified legal counsel. Legal counsel
is provided free of c‎harrrrge in cases stipulated by the law.
(۲) Every person who has been detained٫ taken into custody or
c‎harrrrged with a crime has the right to legal counsel (defense attorney) from
the moment of٫ respectively٫ detention or indictment.

Article ۴۹ [Innocence]

(۱) Everyone c‎harrrrged with a crime is considered not guilty until his or her
guilt has been proven in conformity with the procedures stipulated by the
federal law and established by the verdict of a court of law.
(۲) The defendant ist not obliged to prove his or her innocence.
(۳) The benefit of doubt is interpreted in favor of the defendant.

Article ۵۰ [Ne Bis In Idem]

(۱) No one may be repeatedly convicted for the same offense.
(۲) In the administration of justice no evidence obtained in violation of the
federal law is allowed.
(۳) Everyone sentenced for a crime has the right to have the sentence reviewed
by a higher court according to the procedure instituted by the federal law٫ and
also the right to plea for clemency or mitigation punishment.

Article ۵۱ [Right to Remain Silent]

(۱) No one is obliged to give evidence against himself or herself٫ for his or
her spouse and close relatives٫ the range of which are established by the
federal law.
(۲) The federal law may stipulate other exemptions from the obligation to give

Article ۵۲ [Victims]
The rights of persons who have sustained harm from crimes and abuses of power
is protected by the law. The state guarantees the victims access to justice and
compensation for damage.

Article ۵۳ [Compensation]
Everyone has the right to compensation by the state for the damage caused by
unlawful actions (or inaction) of state organs٫ or their officials.

Article ۵۴ [Retroactive Laws]

(۱) The law instituting or aggravating the liability of a person has no
retroactive force.
(۲) No one may be held liable for an action which was not recognized as an
offense at the time of its commitment. If liability for an offense has been
lifted or mitigated after its perpetration٫ the new law applies.

Article ۵۵ [Limits on Restrictions]

(۱) The listing of the basic rights and liberties in the Constitution may not
be interpreted as the denial or belittlement of the other commonly recognized
human and citizens'' rights and liberties.
(۲) No laws denying or belittling human and civil rights and liberties may be
issued in the Russian Federation.
(۳) Human and civil rights and liberties may be restricted by the federal law
only to the extent required for the protection of the fundamentals of the
constitutional system٫ morality٫ health٫ rights and lawful interests of other
persons٫ for ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

Article ۵۶ [Restrictions]
Individual Restrictions of rights and liberties with identification of the
extent and of their duration may be instituted in conformity with the federal
constitutional law under conditions of the state of emergency in order to
ensure the safety of citizens and protection of the constitutional system.
(۲) A state of emergency throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and
in individual areas thereof may be introduced in the circumstances and in
conformity with the procedures defined by the federal constitutional law.
(۳) The rights and liberties stipulated by Articles ۲۰٫ ۲۱٫ ۲۳ (۱)٫ ۲۴٫ ۲۸٫ ۳۴
(۱)٫ ۴۰ (۱)٫ ۴۶-۵۴ of the Constitution are not subject to restriction.

Article ۵۷ [Duty to Pay Taxes]
Everyone is obliged to pay lawful taxes and fees. Laws introducing new taxes or
worsening the situation of tax payers may not have retroactive force.

Article ۵۸ [Duty to Protect the Environment]
Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment٫ and care for
natural wealth.

Article ۵۹ [Military Service]

(۱) Defense of the homeland is a duty and obligation of the citizen of the
Russian Federation.
(۲) The citizen of the Russian Federation do military service in conformity
with the federal law.
(۳) The citizen of the Russian Federation whose convictions and faith are at
odds with military service٫ and also in other cases stipulated by the federal
law has the right to the substitution of an alternative civil service for
military service.

Article ۶۰ [Legal Age]
The citizen of the Russian Federation is recognized to be of legal age and may
independently exercise his rights and duties in full upon reaching the age of

Article ۶۱ [Extradition]

(۱) The citizen of the Russian Federation may not be deported out of Russia or
extradited to another state.
(۲) The Russian Federation guarantees its citizens defense and patronage beyond
its boundaries.

Article ۶۲ [Dual Citizenship]

(۱) The citizen of the Russian Federation may have the citizenship of a foreign
state (dual citizenship) in conformity with the federal law or international
treaty of the Russian Federation.
(۲) Possession of the citizenship of a foreign state by the citizen of the
Russian Federation does not belittle his or her ranks and liberties or exempt
him or her from the duties stemming from Russian citizenship unless otherwise
stipulated by the federal law or international treaty of the Russian
(۳) Foreign citizens and stateless persons enjoy in the Russian Federation the
rights of its citizens and bear their duties with the exception of cases
stipulated by the federal law or international treaty of the Russian

Article ۶۳ [Asylum]

(۱) The Russian Federation grants political asylum to foreign citizens and
stateless citizens in conformity with the commonly recognized norms of the
international law.
(۲) The extradition of persons persecuted for their political views or any
actions (or inaction)٫ which are not qualified as criminal by the law of the
Russian Federation٫ to other states is not allowed in the Russian Federation.
The extradition of persons c‎harrrrged with crimes and also the hand-over of
convicts for serving time in other countries is effected on the basis of the
federal law or international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Article ۶۴ [Change by Amendment]
The provisions of these articles form the basis of personal rights in the
Russian Federation and may not be changed other than by the means set forth in
this constitution.

Chapter ۳ Russian Federation

Article ۶۵ [Republics]

(۱) The Russian Federation consists of the subjects of the Federation: Republic
of Adygeya (Adygeya)٫ Republic of Altai٫
Republic of Bashkortostan٫ Republic of Buryatia٫ Republic of Dagestan٫ Republic
of Ingushetia٫ Kabardin-Balkar Republic٫ Republic of Kalmykia -‎–‎-‎- Khalmg
Tangch٫ Karachayevo-Cherkess Republic٫ Republic of Karelia٫ Republic of Komi٫
Republic of Mari El٫ Republic of Mordovia٫ Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)٫
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania٫ Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)٫ Republic
of Tuva٫ Udmurt Republic٫ Republic of Khakasia٫ Chechen Republic٫ Chuvash
Republic -‎–‎-‎- Chavash Republics;‎‎‎‎ Altai Territory٫ Krasnodar Territory٫
Krasnoyarsk Territory٫ Maritime Territory٫ Stavropol Territory٫ Khabarovsk
Territory;‎‎‎‎ Amur Region٫ Arkhangelsk Region٫ Astrakhan Region٫ Belgorod
Region٫ Bryansk Region٫ Vladimir Region٫ Volgograd Region٫ Vologda Region٫
Voronezh Region٫ Ivanovo Region٫ Irkutsk Region٫ Kaliningrad Region٫ Kaluga
Region٫ Kamchatka Region٫ Kemerovo Region٫ Kirov Region٫ Kostroma Region٫
Kurgan Region٫ Kursk Region٫ Leningrad Region٫ Lipetsk Region٫ Magadan Region٫
Moscow Region٫ Murmansk Region٫ Nizhny Novgorod Region٫ Novgorod Region٫
Novosibirsk Region٫ Omsk Region٫ Orenburg Region٫ Oryol Region٫ Penza Region٫
Perm Region٫ Pskov Region٫ Rostov Region٫ Ryazan Region٫ Samara Region٫ Saratov
Region٫ Sakhalin Region٫ Sverdlovsk Region٫ Smolensk Region٫ Tambov Region٫
Tver Region٫ Tomsk Region٫ Tula Relation٫ Tyumen Region٫ Ulyanovsk Region٫
Chelyabinsk Region٫ Chita Region٫ Yaroslavl Region;‎‎‎‎ Moscow٫ St. Petersburg
-‎–‎-‎- federal cities;‎‎‎‎ Jewish Autonomous Region;‎‎‎‎ Aginsky Buryat
Autonomous Area٫ Komi-Permyak Autonomous Area٫ Koryak Autonomous Area٫ Nenets
Autonomous Area٫ Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous Area٫ Ust-Ordynsky Buryat
Autonomous Area٫ Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area٫ Chukchi Autonomous Area٫ Evenk
Autonomous Area٫ Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.
(۲) Accession to the Russian Federation and formation of a new subject of the
Russian Federation within it is carried out as envisaged by the federal
constitutional law.

Article ۶۶ [Territories٫ Regions]

(۱) The status of a republic is defined by the Constitution and the
constitution of the republic in question.
(۲) The status of a territory٫ region٫ federal city٫ and autonomous region and
autonomous area is determined by Constitution and the c‎harrrrter of the
territory٫ region٫ city of federal importance٫ autonomous region٫ autonomous
area٫ adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the relevant subject
of the Russian Federation.
(۳) A federal law on autonomous region٫ autonomous area may be adopted at the
nomination from the legislative and e‎xeccccutive bodies of an autonomous
region٫ autonomous area.
(۴) Relations between autonomous areas within a territory or region may be
regulated by the federal law and an agreement between bodies of state power of
the autonomous area and٫ respectively٫ bodies of state power of the territory
or the region.
(۵) The status of a subject of the Russian Federation may be changed only with
mutual consent of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian
Federation in accordance with the federal constitutional law.

Article ۶۷ [Territory]

(۱) The territory of the Russian Federation incorporates the territories of its
subjects٫ the internal and territorial seas and the air space over them.
(۲) The Russian Federation has sovereign rights and exercise jurisdiction on
the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian
Federation under the procedure stipulated by the federal law and norms of
international law.
(۳) The boundaries between the subjects of the Russian Federation may be
changed by their mutual agreement.

Article ۶۸ [State Language]

(۱) The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is
the Russian language.
(۲) The republics have the right to institute their own state languages. They
are used alongside the state language of the Russian Federation in bodies of
state power٫ bodies of local self-government and state institutions of the
(۳) The Russian Federation guarantees all its peoples the right to preserve
their native language and to c‎reateeee the conditions for its study and

Article ۶۹ [Indigenous Rights]
The Russian Federation guarantees the rights of small indigenous peoples in
accordance with the generally accepted principles and standards of
international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Article ۷۰ [Flag٫ Emblem٫ Anthem]

(۱) The national flag٫ State Emblem٫ and the national anthem٫ their
descr‎ipttttion and the procedure for their official use are established by the
federal constitutional law.
(۲) The capital of the Russian Federation is the city of Moscow. The status of
the capital is established by the federal law.

Article ۷۱ [Federal Jurisdiction]
The jurisdiction of the Russian Federation includes:
a) the adoption and amendment of the Constitution and federal laws and
supervision over compliance with them;‎‎‎‎
b) the federal structure and territory of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
c) regulation and protection of the rights and liberties of the human being and
citizen;‎‎‎‎ citizenship of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎ regulation and
protection of the rights of national minorities;‎‎‎‎
d) establishment of the system of federal bodies of legislative٫ e‎xeccccutive
and judiciary power٫ procedure for the organization and activities thereof;‎‎‎‎
formation of federal bodies of state power;‎‎‎‎
e) federal and state property and management thereof;‎‎‎‎
f) determining the basic principles of federal policy and federal programs in
the field of state structure٫ the economy٫ the environment٫ and the social٫
cultural and national development of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
g) establishment of the legal framework for a single market;‎‎‎‎ financial٫
monetary٫ credit and customs regulation٫ emission of money and guidelines for
price policy;‎‎‎‎ federal economic services٫ including federal banks;‎‎‎‎
h) the federal budget;‎‎‎‎ federal taxes and levies;‎‎‎‎ federal funds of
regional development;‎‎‎‎
i) federal power grids٫ nuclear energy٫ fissionable materials;‎‎‎‎ federal
transport٫ railways٫ information and communications;‎‎‎‎ space activities;‎‎‎‎
j) foreign policy and international relations of the Russian Federation٫
international treaties of the Russian questions of war and peace;‎‎‎‎
k) foreign trade relations of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
l) defense and security;‎‎‎‎ defense production;‎‎‎‎ determining procedures for
the sale and purchase of arms٫ ammunition٫ military hardware and other
equipment;‎‎‎‎ production of fissionable materials٫ toxic substances٫ narcotics
and procedure for the use thereof;‎‎‎‎
m) defining the status and protection of the state border٫ territorial waters٫
the air space٫ the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of the
Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
n) law courts;‎‎‎‎ Prosecutor''s Office;‎‎‎‎ criminal٫ criminal-procedural
and criminal-e‎xeccccutive legislation;‎‎‎‎ amnesty and pardon;‎‎‎‎ civil٫
civil-procedural and arbitration-procedural legislation;‎‎‎‎ legal regulation
of intellectual property;‎‎‎‎
o) federal conflict of laws;‎‎‎‎
p) meteorological service;‎‎‎‎ standards٫ models٫ the metric system and time
measurement;‎‎‎‎ geodesy and cartography;‎‎‎‎ names of geographical
ob‎jectttts;‎‎‎‎ official statistics and accounting;‎‎‎‎
q) state decorations and honorary titles of the Russian
r) federal state service.

Article ۷۲ [Joint Jurisdiction]

(۱) The joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the
Russian Federation includes:
a) ensuring compliance of the constitutions and laws of the republics٫
c‎harrrrters٫ laws٫ and other regulatory legal acts of the territories٫
regions٫ federal cities٫ the autonomous region and autonomous areas with the
Constitution and the federal laws;‎‎‎‎
b) protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen٫ protection of the
rights of ethnic minorities;‎‎‎‎ ensuring legality٫ law and order٫ and public
safety;‎‎‎‎ border zone regime;‎‎‎‎
c) issues of the possession٫ use and management of the land٫ mineral resources٫
water an d other natural resources;‎‎‎‎
d) delimitation of state property;‎‎‎‎
e) management of natural resources٫ protection of the environment and
ecological safety;‎‎‎‎ specially protected natural reserves;‎‎‎‎ protection of
historical and cultural monuments;‎‎‎‎
f) general questions of upbringing٫ education٫ science٫ culture٫ physical
culture and sports;‎‎‎‎
g) coordination of health issues٫ protection of family٫ motherhood٫ fatherhood
and childhood;‎‎‎‎ social protection including social security;‎‎‎‎
h) implementing measures to combat catastrophes٫ natural disasters٫ epidemics
and eliminating consequences thereof;‎‎‎‎
i) establishment of the general guidelines for taxation and levies in the
Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
j) administrative٫ administrative-procedural٫ labor٫ family٫ housing٫ land٫
water and forestry legislation;‎‎‎‎ legislation on the sub-surface and
environmental protection;‎‎‎‎
k) cadres of judiciary and law-enforcement agencies;‎‎‎‎ the bar٫ notaries;‎‎‎‎
l) protection of the original environment and traditional way of life of small
ethnic communities;‎‎‎‎
m) establishment of general guidelines of the organization of the system of
bodies of state power and local self-government;‎‎‎‎
n) coordination of the international and external economic relations of the
subjects of the Russian Federation٫ compliance with the international treaties
of the Russian Federation.
(۲) The provisions of this Article equally apply to the republics٫ territories٫
regions٫ federal cities٫ the autonomous region and autonomous areas.

Article ۷۳ [Regional Jurisdiction]
Outside of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the
Russian Federation on issues within the joint jurisdiction of the Russian
Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation٫ the subjects of the
Russian Federation exercises the entire spectrum of state power.

Article ۷۴ [Free Trade Zone]

(۱) No customs frontiers٫ duties٫ levies٫ or any other barriers for free
movement of goods٫ services٫ or financial means may be established on the
territory of the Russian Federation.
(۲) Restrictions on the movement of goods and services may be established under
the federal law٫ if this is necessary for the protection of the people''s
safety٫ their lives and health٫ protection of environment and cultural values.

Article ۷۵ [Money]

(۱) The monetary unit of the Russian Federation is the ruble. The monetary
emission is the exclusive responsibility of the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation. No other currencies may be issued in the Russian Federation.
(۲) The protection and stability of the ruble is the main function of the
Central Bank of the Russian Federation which it exercises independently from
other bodies of state power.
(۳) The system of taxes levied to the federal budget and the general principles
of taxation and levies in the Russian
Federation is established by the federal law.
(۴) State loans are issued in accordance with the procedure established by the
federal law and placed on a strictly voluntary basis.

Article ۷۶ [Direct Effect of Federal Laws]

(۱) On issues within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation federal
constitutional laws and federal laws are adopted h‎avingggg direct effect
throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
(۲) On matters within the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the
subjects of the Russian Federation federal laws are issued and in accordance
with them laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian
Federation is adopted.
(۳) Federal laws may not contravene federal constitutional laws.
(۴) Outside of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the joint
jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian
Federation republics٫ territories٫ regions٫ federal cities٫ autonomous regions
and autonomous areas effect their own legal regulation٫ including the adoption
of laws and other regulatory legal acts.
(۵) Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian
Federation may not contravene federal laws adopted in accordance with Parts (۱)
and (۲) of this Article. In the event of a contradiction between a federal law
and any other act issued in the Russian Federation٫ the federal law applies.
(۶) In the event of a contradiction between the federal law and a regulatory
legal act of a subject of the Russian Federation issued in accordance with Part
(۴) of this Article٫ the regulatory legal act of the subject of the Russian
Federation applies.

Article ۷۷ [State Power]

(۱) The system of state power bodies of the republics٫ territories٫ regions٫
federal cities٫ the autonomous region٫ autonomous areas are established by the
subjects of the Russian Federation independently in accordance with the basic
principles of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and general
principles of the organization of legislative and e‎xeccccutive bodies of power
as envisaged by the federal law.
(۲) Within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the
Russian Federation on issues within the joint jurisdiction of the Russian
Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation the federal bodies of
e‎xeccccutive power and bodies of e‎xeccccutive power of the subjects of the
Russian Federation forms the single system of e‎xeccccutive power in the
Russian Federation.

Article ۷۸ [State Officials]

(۱) To exercise their powers٫ the federal bodies of e‎xeccccutive power may set
up their own territorial structures and appoint respective officials.
(۲) By agreement with organs of e‎xeccccutive power of the subjects of the
Russian Federation٫ the federal organs of e‎xeccccutive power may delegate to
them part of their powers provided this does not contravene the Constitution or
federal laws.
(۳) By agreement with the federal organs of e‎xeccccutive power٫ organs of
e‎xeccccutive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation may delegate part
of their powers to them.
(۴) The President of the Russian Federation and the government of the Russian
Federation shall٫ under the Constitution٫ exercise the authority of federal
state power throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article ۷۹ [Inter-State Associations]
The Russian Federation may participate in inter-state associations and delegate
some of its powers to them in accordance with international agreements if this
does not restrict human or civil rights and liberties or contravene the
fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian

Chapter ۴ President of the Russian Federation

Article ۸۰ [Head of State]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state.
(۲) The President is the guarantor of the Constitution٫ and of human and civil
rights and freedoms. In accordance with the procedure established by the
Constitution٫ he takes measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian
Federation٫ its independence and state integrity٫ and ensure concerted
functioning and interaction of all bodies of state power.
(۳) The President of the Russian Federation defines the basic domestic and
foreign policy guidelines of the state in accordance with the Constitution and
federal laws.
(۴) The President of the Russian Federation as head of state represents the
Russian Federation inside the country and in international relations.

Article ۸۱ [Term٫ Election]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of four years
by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of general٫ equal and
direct vote by secret ballot.
(۲) A citizen of the Russian Federation not younger than ۳۵٫ who has resided in
the Russian Federation for not less than ۱۰ years٫ may be elected President of
the Russian Federation.
(۳) No one person may hold the office of President of the Russian Federation
for more than two terms in succession.
(۴) The procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation is
determined by federal law.

Article ۸۲ [Oath]

(۱) At his inauguration٫ the President of the Russian Federation takes the
following oath to the people:
"I vow٫ in the performance of my powers as the President of the Russian
Federation to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen٫
to observe and protect the Constitution٫ to protect the sovereignty and
independence٫ security and integrity of the state and to serve the people
(۲) The oath is taken in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of members of the
Council of the Federation٫ deputies of the House of Representatives [State
Duma] and judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

Article ۸۳ [Powers]
The President of the Russian Federation shall:
a) appoint Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation subject to
consent of the House of Representatives [State Duma];‎‎‎‎
b) have the right to preside over meetings of the Government of the Russian
c) decide on resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
d) introduce to the House of Representatives [State Duma] a candidature for
appointment to the office of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation;‎‎‎‎ submit to the House of Representatives [State Duma] the
proposal on relieving the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation of his duties;‎‎‎‎
e) appoint and dismiss deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian
Federation and federal ministers as proposed by the Chairman of the Government
of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
f) submit to the Federation Council candidates for appointment to the office of
judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation٫ the Supreme Court
of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian
Federation as well as the candidate for Prosecutor-General of the Russian
Federation;‎‎‎‎ submit to the Federation Council the
proposal on relieving the Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation of his
duties;‎‎‎‎ appoint the judges of other federal courts.
g) form and head the Security Council of the Russian Federation٫ the status of
which is determined by federal law;‎‎‎‎
h) endorse the military doctrine of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
i) form the staff of the President of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
j) appoint and dismiss plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the
Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
k) appoint and dismiss the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces of the Russian
l) appoint and recall٫ after consultations with the respective committees or
commissions of the Federal Assembly٫ diplomatic representatives of the Russian
Federation to foreign states and international organizations.

Article ۸۴ [Powers in Relation to Parliament]
The President of the Russian Federation shall:
a) call elections to the chambers of the House of Representatives [State Duma]
in accordance with the Constitution and federal law;‎‎‎‎
b) dissolve the House of Representatives [State Duma] in cases and under
procedures envisaged by the Constitution;‎‎‎‎
c) call a referendum under procedures established by federal constitutional
d) introduce draft laws in the House of Representatives [State Duma];‎‎‎‎
e) sign and publish federal laws;‎‎‎‎
f) present annual messages to the Federal Assembly on the situation in the
country and on basic directions of the internal and external policies of the

Article ۸۵ [Dispute Settlement]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation may use dispute-settlement
procedures to settle differences between organs of state power of the Russian
Federation and organs of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation٫
and also between organs of state power of the subjects of the Russian
Federation. If no decision is agreed upon٫ he may turn the dispute over for
review by the respective court of law.
(۲) The President of the Russian Federation has the right to suspend acts by
organs of e‎xeccccutive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation if such
acts contravene the Constitution and federal laws٫ the international
obligations of the Russian Federation٫ or violate human and civil rights and
liberties٫ pending the resolution of the issue in appropriate court.

Article ۸۶ [Diplomacy]
The President of the Russian Federation shall:
a) supervise the conduct of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
b) conduct negotiations and sign international treaties of the Russian
c) sign instruments of ratification;‎‎‎‎
d) accept credentials and instruments of recall of diplomatic representatives
accredited with him.

Article ۸۷ [Commander-in-Chief]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief
of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
(۲) In the event of aggression against the Russian Federation or an immediate
threat thereof٫ the President of the Russian Federation introduces martial law
on the territory of the Russian Federation or in areas thereof with immediate
notification thereof of the Federation Council and the House of Representatives
[State Duma].

Article ۸۸ [State of Emergency]
Under the circumstances and procedures envisaged by the
Federal Constitutional Law٫ the President of the Russian Federation imposes a
state of emergency on the territory of the Russian Federation or in areas
thereof with immediate notification of the Federation Council and the House of
Representatives [State Duma].

Article ۸۹ [Decorations٫ Pardon]
The President of the Russian Federation shall:
a) resolve issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and of granting
political asylum;‎‎‎‎
b) award state decorations of the Russian Federation٫ confer honorary titles of
the Russian Federation and top military ranks and top specialized titles;‎‎‎‎
c) grant pardon.

Article ۹۰ [Decrees٫ e‎xeccccutive Orders]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation issues decrees and e‎xeccccutive
(۲) The decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation are
binding throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
(۳) The decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation may not
contravene the Constitution or federal laws.

Article ۹۱ [Immunity]
The President of the Russian Federation possesses immunity.

Article ۹۲ [Term Limits]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation assumes his powers from the time he
is sworn in and terminate his exercise of such powers with the expiry of his
tenure of office from the time the newly-elected President of the Russian
Federation is sworn in.
(۲) The powers of the President of the Russian Federation is terminated in the
event of his resignation or sustained inability due to health to disc‎harrrrge
his powers or in the event of impeachment. In such cases new elections of the
President of the Russian Federation is held not later than three months after
the early termination of the President''s powers.
(۳) In all cases when the President of the Russian Federation is unable to
perform his duties such duties are temporarily performed by the chairman of the
Government of the Russian Federation. The acting president of the Russian
Federation has no right to dissolve the House of Representatives [State Duma]٫
call a referendum or make proposals on amendment or revision of the provisions
of the Constitution.

Article ۹۳ [Impeachment]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation may be impeached by the Federation
Council only on the basis of c‎harrrrges put forward against him of high
treason or some other grave crime٫ confirmed by a ruling of the Supreme Court
of the Russian Federation on the presence of indicia of crime in the
President''s actions and by a ruling of the Constitutional Court of the
Russian Federation confirming that the procedure of bringing c‎harrrrges has
been observed.
(۲) The ruling of the House of Representatives [State Duma] on putting forward
c‎harrrrges and the decision of the Federation Council on impeachment of the
President is passed by the votes of two-thirds of the total number in each of
the chambers at the initiative of at least one-third of the deputies of the
House of Representatives [State Duma] and in the presence of the opinion of a
special commission formed by the House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۳) The decision of the Federation Council on impeaching the President of the
Russian Federation is passed within three months of the c‎harrrrges being
brought against the President by the House of Representatives [State Duma]. The
c‎harrrrges against the President are considered to be rejected if the decision
of the Federation Council is not passed.

Chapter ۵ Federal Assembly

Article ۹۴ [Supreme Legislative Body]
The Federal Assembly -‎–‎-‎- Parliament of the Russian Federation -‎–‎-‎- is
the supreme representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Article ۹۵ [Two Chambers]

(۱) The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers -‎–‎-‎- the Federation
Council and the House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۲) Two deputies from each subject of the Federation are members of Federation
Council: one from the representative and one from the e‎xeccccutive bodies of
state authority.
(۳) The House of Representatives [State Duma] consists of ۴۵۰ deputies.

Article ۹۶ [House of Representatives: State Duma]

(۱) The House of Representatives [State Duma] is elected for a term of four
(۲) The procedure for forming the Federation Council and the procedure for
electing deputies to the House of Representatives [State Duma] is established
by federal law.

Article ۹۷ [Eligibility]

(۱) Any citizen of the Russian Federation aged ۲۱ and older who has the right
to take part in elections may be elected deputy to the House of Representatives
[State Duma].
(۲) One and the same person may not concurrently be a deputy to the Federation
Council and to the House of Representatives [State Duma]. A deputy to the House
of Representatives [State Duma] may not be a deputy to any other representative
body of state power or bodies of local self-government.
(۳) The deputies to the House of Representatives [State Duma] work on a
permanent professional basis. Deputies to the House of Representatives [State
Duma] may not be employed in the civil service or engage in any activities for
remuneration other than teaching٫ research or other creative activities.

Article ۹۸ [Immunity]

(۱) Deputies to the Federation Council and deputies to the House of
Representatives [State Duma] possess immunity throughout their term in office.
A deputy may not be detained٫ arrested٫ searched except when detained in the
act of perpetrating a crime٫ and may not be subject to personal search except
when such search is authorized by law to ensure the safety of other people.
(۲) The question of stripping a deputy of immunity is decided on the
recommendation of the Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation by the
corresponding chamber of the Federal Assembly.

Article ۹۹ [Sessions]

(۱) The Federal Assembly is a permanent body.
(۲) The House of Representatives [State Duma] holds its first session on the
۳۰th day after its election. The President of the Russian Federation may
convene a session of the House of Representatives [State Duma] before this
(۳) The first session of the House of Representatives [State Duma] is opened by
the oldest deputy.
(۴) From the start of the work of the new House of Representatives [State Duma]
the powers of the previous House of Representatives [State Duma] cease.

Article ۱۰۰ [Separation of Chambers]

(۱) The Federation Council and the House of Representatives [State Duma] sit
(۲) The sessions of the Federation Council and the House of Representatives
[State Duma] are open. Each chamber has the right to hold closed sessions as
envisaged by its rules.
(۳) The chambers may have joint sessions to hear the addresses of the President
of the Russian Federation٫ addresses of the Constitutional Court of the Russian
Federation and speeches by leaders of foreign states.

Article ۱۰۱ [Chairman]

(۱) The Federation Council elects from among its members the Chairman of the
Federation Council and his deputies. The House of Representatives [State Duma]
elects from among its members the Chairman of the House of Representatives
[State Duma] and his deputies.
(۲) The Chairman of the Federation Council and his deputies٫ the Chairman of
the House of Representatives [State Duma] and his deputies presides over the
sessions and supervise the internal rules of the chamber.
(۳) The Federation Council and the House of Representatives [State Duma] form
committees and commissions٫ exercise parliamentary supervision over issues
within their jurisdiction and hold parliamentary hearings.
(۴) Each chamber adopts its own rules and solve questions of internal
organization and work.
(۵) In order to exercise control over the federal budget the Federation Council
and the House of Representatives [State Duma] form an Accounting Chamber٫ the
membership and rules of order of which is determined by federal law.

Article ۱۰۲ [Jurisdiction of Federation Council]

(۱) The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes: a) approval of changes
of borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
b) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the
introduction of martial law;‎‎‎‎
c) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the
introduction of a state of emergency;‎‎‎‎
d) making decisions on the possibility of the use of the Armed Forces of the
Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
e) calling of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
f) impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
g) the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian
Federation٫ the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation٫ and the Supreme Court
of Arbitration of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
h) the appointment to office and the removal from office of the
Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
i) the appointment to office and removal from office of the deputy Chairman of
the Accounting Chamber and half of its staff of its auditors.
(۲) The Federation Council passes resolutions on the issues within its
jurisdiction under the Constitution.
(۳) The decrees of the Federation Council are adopted by a majority of all
deputies to the Federation Council unless otherwise provided for by the

Article ۱۰۳ [Jurisdiction of the House of Representatives]

(۱) The jurisdiction of the House of Representatives [State Duma] includes:
a) granting consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the
appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
b) decisions on confidence in the government of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
c) the appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the
Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
d) the appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Accounting Chamber and
half of its staff of auditors;‎‎‎‎
e) the appointment and dismissal of the Plenipotentiary for Human Rights acting
in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law;‎‎‎‎
f) granting amnesty;‎‎‎‎
g) bringing c‎harrrrges against the President of the Russian Federation for his
(۲) The House of Representatives [State Duma] adopts resolutions on the issues
of its jurisdiction envisaged by the Constitution.
(۳) The resolutions of the House of Representatives [State Duma] are adopted by
a majority of votes of all deputies of the House of Representatives [State
Duma] unless otherwise provided for by the Constitution.

Article ۱۰۴ [Initiative]

(۱) The President of the Russian Federation٫ the Federation Council٫ the
members to the Federation Council٫ the deputies to the House of Representatives
[State Duma]٫ the Government of the Russian Federation and the legislative
(representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation have the
right of legislative initiative. The Constitutional Court of the Russian
Federation٫ the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court
of Arbitration of the Russian Federation also have the right of legislative
initiative within their jurisdiction.
(۲) Draft laws are introduced in the House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۳) The draft laws on the introduction or abolishing of taxes٫ exemptions from
the payment thereof٫ on the issue of state loans٫ on changes in the financial
obligations of the state and other draft laws providing for expenditures
covered from the federal budget may be introduced to the House of
Representatives [State Duma] only with a corresponding resolution by the
Government of the Russian Federation.

Article ۱۰۵ [Majority]

(۱) Federal laws are passed by the House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۲) Federal laws are passed by a majority of votes of all deputies of the House
of Representatives [State Duma] unless otherwise provided for by the
(۳) Laws adopted by the House of Representatives [State Duma] are passed to the
Federation Council for review within five days.
(۴) A federal law is considered passed by the Federation Council if more than
half of its deputies vote for it or if within fourteen days it has not been
considered by the Federation Council. In the event the Federation Council
rejects the federal law٫ the chambers may set up a conciliatory commission to
settle the differences٫ whereupon the federal law is again considered by the
House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۵) In the event the House of Representatives [State Duma] disagrees with the
decision of the Federation Council٫ the federal law is considered adopted if٫
in the second voting٫ at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies to
the House of Representatives [State Duma] vote for it.

Article ۱۰۶ [Mandatory Consideration of Federation Council]
The federal laws adopted by the House of Representatives [State Duma] are
considered by the Federation Council on a mandatory basis if such laws deal
with the issues of: a) the federal budget;‎‎‎‎ b) federal taxes and levies;‎‎‎‎
c) financial٫ monetary٫ credit and customs regulations and money emission;‎‎‎‎
d) ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian
e) the status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
f) war and peace.

Article ۱۰۷ [Signing and Publication]

(۱) An adopted federal law is sent to the President of the Russian Federation
for signing and publication within five days.
(۲) The President of the Russian Federation shall٫ within fourteen days٫ sign a
federal law and publish it.
(۳) If the President rejects a federal law within fourteen days since it was
sent to him٫ the House of Representatives [State Duma] and the Federation
Council again consider the law in accordance with the procedure established by
the Constitution. If٫ during the second hearings٫ the federal law is approved
in its earlier draft by a majority of not less than two thirds of the total
number of deputies of the Federation Council and the House of Representatives
[State Duma]٫ it is signed by the President of the Russian Federation within
seven days and published.

Article ۱۰۸ [Constitutional Laws]

(۱) Federal constitutional laws are passed on issues specified in the
(۲) A federal constitutional law is considered adopted٫ if it has been approved
by a majority of at least three quarters of the total number of deputies of the
Federation Council and at least two thirds of the total number of deputies of
the House of Representatives [State Duma]. The adopted federal constitutional
law is signed by the President of the Russian Federation within fourteen days
and published.

Article ۱۰۹ [Dissolution]

(۱) The House of Representatives [State Duma] may be dissolved by the President
of the Russian Federation in cases stipulated in Articles ۱۱۱ and ۱۱۷ of the
(۲) In the event of the dissolution of the House of Representatives [State
Duma]٫ the President of the Russian Federation determines the date of elections
so that the newly-elected House of Representatives [State Duma] convenes not
later than four months since the time of dissolution.
(۳) The House of Representatives [State Duma] may not be dissolved on grounds
provided for by Article ۱۱۷ of the Constitution within one year after its
(۴) The House of Representatives [State Duma] may not be dissolved since the
time it has brought accusations against the President of the Russian Federation
and until a corresponding decision has been taken by the Federation Council.
(۵) The House of Representatives [State Duma] may not be dissolved during the
period of the state of emergency or martial law throughout the territory of the
Russian Federation٫ as well as within six months of the expiry of the term of
office of the President of the Russian Federation.

Chapter ۶ The Government of the Russian Federation

Article ۱۱۰ [e‎xeccccutive Power]

(۱) e‎xeccccutive power in the Russian Federation is exercised by the
Government of the Russian Federation.
(۲) The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of the
Government of the Russian Federation٫ Deputy Chairmen of the Government and
federal ministers.

Article ۱۱۱ [Chairman]

(۱) The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by
the President of the Russian Federation with consent of the House of
Representatives [State Duma].
(۲) The proposal on the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the
Russian Federation is made no later than two weeks after the inauguration of
the newly-elected President of the Russian Federation or after the resignation
of the Government of the Russian Federation or within one week after the
rejection of the candidate by the House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۳) The House of Representatives [State Duma] considers the candidacy of the
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation submitted by the President
of the Russian Federation within one week after the nomination.
(۴) After the House of Representatives [State Duma] thrice
rejects candidates for Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
nominated by the President of the Russian Federation٫ the President of the
Russian Federation appoints Chairman of the Government of the Russian
Federation٫ dissolve the House of Representatives [State Duma] and call a new

Article ۱۱۲ [Cabinet]

(۱) The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall٫ not later
than one week after appointment٫ submit to the President of the Russian
Federation proposals on the structures of the federal bodies of e‎xeccccutive
(۲) The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation proposes to the
President of the Russian Federation candidates for the office of Deputy
Chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers.

Article ۱۱۳ [Guidelines]
The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation٫ in accordance with
the Constitution٫ federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian
Federation determines the guidelines of the work of the Government of the
Russian Federation and organizes its work.

Article ۱۱۴ [Powers]

(۱) The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
a) develop and submit the federal budget to the House of Representatives [State
Duma] and ensure compliance therewith;‎‎‎‎ submit a report on the e‎xeccccution
of the federal budget to the House of Representatives [State Duma];‎‎‎‎
b) ensure the implementation in the Russian Federation of a uniform financial٫
credit and monetary policy;‎‎‎‎
c) ensure the implementation in the Russian Federation of a uniform state
policy in the field of culture٫ science٫ education٫ health٫ social security and
d) manage federal property;‎‎‎‎
e) adopt measures to ensure the country''s defense٫ state security and the
implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
f) implement measures to ensure legality٫ the rights and freedoms of citizens٫
protect property and public law and order and control crime;‎‎‎‎
g) exercise any other powers vested in it by the Constitution٫ federal laws and
the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
(۲) The work of the Government of the Russian Federation is regulated by
federal constitutional law.

Article ۱۱۵ [Decrees٫ e‎xeccccutive Orders]

(۱) On the basis of and pursuant to the Constitution٫ federal laws and
normative decrees of the President of the Russian Federation the Government of
the Russian Federation issue decrees and orders and ensure their implementation
(۲) The decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation are
binding throughout the Russian Federation.
(۳) The decrees and e‎xeccccutive orders of the Government of the Russian
Federation may be repealed by the President of the Russian Federation if they
contravene the Constitution٫ federal laws and the decrees of the President of
the Russian Federation.

Article ۱۱۶ [Term Limits]
The Government of the Russian Federation lays down its powers before the
newly-elected President of the Russian Federation.

Article ۱۱۷ [Resignation]

(۱) The Government of the Russian Federation may hand in its resignation which
may be accepted or rejected by the President of the Russian Federation.
(۲) The President of the Russian Federation may take a decision
about the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation.
(۳) The House of Representatives [State Duma] may express non-confidence in the
Government of the Russian Federation. The non-confidence resolution is approved
by a simple majority of deputies in the House of Representatives [State Duma].
In the event the House of Representatives [State Duma] again expresses
non-confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation within three months٫
the President of the Russian Federation announces the resignation of the
Government or dissolve the House of Representatives [State Duma].
(۴) The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation may put the
question of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation before the
House of Representatives [State Duma]. In the case of a non-confidence vote by
the House of Representatives [State Duma]٫ the President decides within seven
days about the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation or about
the dissolution of the House of Representatives [State Duma] and call a new
(۵) If the Government of the Russian Federation resigns or lays down its
powers٫ it shall٫ following instructions by the President of the Russian
Federation٫ continue working until the formation of a new government of the
Russian Federation.

Chapter ۷ Judiciary

Article ۱۱۸ [Administration of Justice]

(۱) Justice in the Russian Federation is administered only by law courts.
(۲) Judiciary power is exercised to constitutional٫ civil٫ administrative and
criminal process.
(۳) The judiciary system of the Russian Federation is established by the
Constitution and the federal constitutional law. The creation of extraordinary
courts is forbidden.

Article ۱۱۹ [Eligibility]
Citizens of the Russian Federation aged ۲۵ and older٫ holding a law degree and
h‎avingggg worked in the law profession for at least five years may become
judges The federal law may establish additional requirements for judges in the
courts of the Russian Federation.

Article ۱۲۰ [Endependence of Judges]

(۱) Judges are independent and obey only the Constitution and the federal law.
(۲) A court of law٫ h‎avingggg established the illegality of an act of
government or any other body٫ passes a ruling in accordance with law.

Article ۱۲۱ [Termination of Office]

(۱) Judges may not be replaced.
(۲) A judge may not have his powers terminated or suspended except under
procedures and on grounds established by federal law.

Article ۱۲۲ [Immunity]

(۱) Judges possess immunity.
(۲) Criminal proceedings may not be brought against a judge except as provided
f or by federal law.

Article ۱۲۳ [Publicity]

(۱) All trials in all law courts are open. The hearing of a case can be in
camera in cases provided by the federal law.
(۲) Hearing of criminal cases in law courts in absentia are not allowed except
the cases provided for by the federal law.
(۳) The trial is conducted on an adversarial and equal basis.
(۴) In cases stipulated by federal law trials is held by jury.

Article ۱۲۴ [Financing]
Law courts are financed only out of the federal budget and
financing ensure full and independent administration of justice in accordance
with federal law.

Article ۱۲۵ [Constitutional Court]

(۱) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation consists of ۱۹ judges.
(۲) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on request by the
President of the Russian Federation٫ the House of Representatives [State Duma]٫
one-fifth of the members of the Federation Council or deputies of the House of
Representatives [State Duma]٫ the Government of the Russian Federation٫ the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and Supreme Arbitration Court of the
Russian Federation٫ bodies of legislative and e‎xeccccutive power of subjects
of the Russian Federation resolve cases about compliance with the Constitution
a) federal laws٫ normative acts of the President of the Russian Federation٫ the
Federation Council٫ House of Representatives [State Duma] and the Government of
the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
b) republican constitutions٫ c‎harrrrters٫ as well as laws and other normative
acts of subjects of the Russian Federation published on issues pertaining to
the jurisdiction of bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and joint
jurisdiction of bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and bodies of
state power of subjects of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
c) agreements between bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and
bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation٫ agreements between
bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
d) international agreements of the Russian Federation that have not entered
into force.
(۳) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation resolves disputes over
a) between the federal state bodies;‎‎‎‎
b) between state bodies of the Russian Federation and state bodies of the
subjects of the Russian Federation;‎‎‎‎
c) between supreme state bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation.
(۴) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation٫ proceeding from
complaints about violation of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens
and requests from courts reviews the constitutionality of the law applied or
due to be applied in a specific case in accordance with procedures established
by federal law.
(۵) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on request by the
President of the Russian Federation٫ the Federation Council٫ House of
Representatives [State Duma]٫ the Government of the Russian Federation٫
legislative bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation interprets the
(۶) Acts and their provisions deemed unconstitutional loose force thereof;‎‎‎‎
international agreements of the Russian Federation may not be enforced and
applied if they violate the Constitution.
(۷) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on request of the
Federation Council rules on compliance with established procedures when
c‎harrrrging the President of the Russian Federation with state treason or
other grave crime.

Article ۱۲۶ [Supreme Court]
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judiciary body on
civil٫ criminal٫ administrative and other matters triable by general
jurisdiction courts٫ and effects judiciary supervision over their activity in
line with federal procedural forms and offers explanations on judicial practice

Article ۱۲۷ [Supreme Arbitration Court]
The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation is the highest
judiciary body resolving economic disputes and other cases considered by
arbitration courts٫ and carries out judicial
supervision over their activity in line with federal legal procedures and
offers explanations on questions of judiciary practice.

Article ۱۲۸ [Appointment]

(۱) Judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation٫ of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation٫ of the Supreme Arbitration Court of
the Russian Federation are appointed by the Federation Council following
nomination by the President of the Russian Federation.
(۲) Judges of other federal courts are appointed by the President of the
Russian Federation in accordance with procedures established by federal law.
(۳) The powers٫ and procedure of the formation and activities of the
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation٫ the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation
and other federal courts are established by federal constitutional law.

Article ۱۲۹ [Prosecutor]

(۱) The Prosecutor''s Office of the Russian Federation is a single
centralized system in which lower prosecutors are subordinated to higher
prosecutors and the Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation.
(۲) The Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation is appointed to his post
and relieved from the post by the Federation Council on nomination by the
President of the Russian Federation.
(۳) Prosecutors of subjects of the Russian Federation are appointed by the
Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation after consultations with its
(۴) Other prosecutors are appointed by the Prosecutor-General of the Russian
(۵) The powers٫ organization and working procedure for the Prosecutor''s
Office of the Russian Federation are determined by federal law.

Chapter ۸ Local Self-Government

Article ۱۳۰ [Local Self-Government]

(۱) Local self-government in the Russian Federation ensures independent
solution by the population of local issues٫ the ownership٫ use and disposal of
municipal property.
(۲) Local self-government is exercised by the citizens through referendums٫
elections and forms of expression of their will٫ through elected and other
bodies of local self-government.

Article ۱۳۱ [Localities]

(۱) Local self-government is exercised in the cities٫ rural areas and other
localities taking into account historical and other local traditions. The
structure of bodies of local self-government is determined by the population
(۲) The borders of territorial entities under local self-government are changed
only with the consent of their population.

Article ۱۳۲ [Powers]

(۱) The bodies of local self-government independently manage municipal
property٫ form٫ approve and e‎xeccccute the local budget٫ establish local taxes
and levies٫ ensure law and order and solve any other local issues.
(۲) The bodies of local self-government may be invested under law with certain
state powers with the transfer of material and financial resources required to
exercise such powers. The exercise of the powers transferred is supervised by
the state.

Article ۱۳۳ [Compensation]
Local self-government in the Russian Federation is guaranteed by the right to
judicial protection and compensation for any additional expenses arising from
the decisions passed by the
bodies of state power٫ and the ban on the restrictions of the rights of local
self-government established by the Constitution and federal laws.

Chapter ۹ Constitutional Amendments and Revisions

Article ۱۳۴ [Amendments]
Proposals on amendments and revision of constitutional provisions may be made
by the President of the Russian Federation٫ the Federation Council٫ the House
of Representatives [State Duma]٫ the Government of the Russian Federation٫
legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation
as well as groups of deputies numbering not less than one-fifth of the total
number of deputies of the Federation Council or the House of Representatives
[State Duma].

Article ۱۳۵ [Restrictions]

(۱) The provisions of Chapters ۱٫ ۲ and ۹ of the Constitution may not be
revised by the Federal Assembly.
(۲) In the event a proposal to revise any provisions in Chapters ۱٫ and ۹ of
the Constitution is supported by three-fifths of the total number of deputies
of the Federation Council and the House of Representatives [State Duma]٫ a
Constitutional Assembly is convened in accordance with the federal
constitutional law.
(۳) The Constitutional Assembly may either confirm the inviolability of the
Constitution or develop a new draft of the Constitution which is adopted by
two-thirds of the total number of deputies to the Constitutional Assembly or
submitted to popular voting. The Constitution is considered adopted during such
poll if more than half of its participants have voted for it٫ provided more
than half of the electorate have taken part in the poll.

Article ۱۳۶ [Majority]
Amendments to Chapters ۳ to ۸ of the Constitution are adopted in accordance
with the procedures envisaged for the adoption of a federal constitutional law
and come into force following the approval thereof by no less than two-thirds
of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Article ۱۳۷ [Republics٫ Regions٫ Territories]

(۱) Changes to Article ۶۵ of the Constitution which determines the composition
of the Russian Federation٫ are made on the basis of the federal constitutional
law on admission to the Russian Federation and the formation within the Russian
Federation of a new subject and on a change of the constitutional-legal status
of the subject of the Russian Federation.
(۲) In the event of a change in the name of the republic٫ territory٫ region٫
federal cities٫ autonomous region and autonomous area٫ the new name of the
subject of the Russian Federation is included in Article ۶۵ of the

[Part II] Second Part: Concluding and Transitional Provisions

Section ۱

(۱) The Constitution comes into force from the day of its official publication
on the basis of the results of a nationwide vote.
(۲) The election day٫ December ۱۲٫ ۱۹۹۳ is considered the day of adoption of
the Constitution.
(۳) Simultaneously٫ the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian
Federation – Russia٫ adopted ۱۲ April٫ ۱۹۷۸٫ with the changes and amendments
that followed٫ ceases to be valid.
(۴) In the event of a situation of nonconformity between the Constitution and
the Federal Treaty – the Agreement on the Delineation of Jurisdiction and
Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and
the Bodies
of State Power of the Sovereign Republics making up the Russian Federation٫ the
Agreement on the Delineation of Jurisdiction and Powers between the Federal
Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and Bodies of State Power of
the territories٫ regions٫ the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg of the
Russian Federation٫ the Agreement on the Delineation of Jurisdiction and Powers
between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and Bodies
of State power of the autonomous region٫ autonomous areas making up the Russian
Federation٫ and similarly other agreements between the Federal Bodies of State
Power of the Russian Federation and Bodies of State Power of the subjects of
the Russian Federation٫ agreements between Bodies of State Power of the
subjects of the Russian Federation٫ the provisions of the Constitution apply.

Section ۲
Laws and other legal acts in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation
until the enactment of this Constitution are enforced in so far as they do not
contravene the Constitution.

Section ۳
The President of the Russian Federation٫ elected in accordance with the
Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Federation – Russia٫ from the day
this Constitution takes effect exercises the powers set down in the
Constitution until the end of his term for which he was elected.

Section ۴
The Council of Ministers – the Government of the Russian Federation from the
day this Constitution takes effect assumes the rights٫ duties and
responsibilities of the Government of the Russian Federation set down in the
Constitution and in future is designated as the Government of the Russian

Section ۵

(۱) Courts in the Russian Federation exercise the right to administer justice
in accordance with their powers as set down in this Constitution.
(۲) After the Constitution takes effect the judges of all courts of the Russian
Federation preserve their powers until the end of their terms for which they
were elected. Vacancies are filled in accordance with the procedures set down
in this Constitution.

Section ۶

(۱) Until the adoption of a federal law setting forth the procedures for trial
by jury٫ the prior procedure for conducting trials is retained.
(۲) Until the enforcement of criminal-procedural legislation of the Russian
Federation in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution٫ the prior
procedures of the arrest٫ custody and detention of individuals suspected of
committing crimes is maintained.

Section ۷
The Federal Council and the House of Representatives [State Duma] of the first
convocation is elected for a two-year term.

Section ۸
The Federation Council holds its first session on the ۳۰th day after election.
The first session of the Federation Council is opened by the President of the
Russian Federation.

Section ۹

(۱) A deputy of the House of Representatives [State Duma] of the first
convocation may simultaneously be a member of the Government of the Russian
Federation. Deputies of the House of Representatives [State Duma] – members of
the Government of the Russian Federation – are not covered by the provisions of
this Constitution concerning deputies'' immunity from
responsibility for their activities (or their lack of activity) connected with
the e‎xeccccution of their official duties.
(۲) Deputies of the Federation Council of the first convocation exercise their
powers on a temporary basis.